This summer I set a goal to become domestic.
Nicole and I took a cake decorating class.
This lead to my obsession with making cupcakes.

I learned how to make bread from scratch. Feeling ambitious, I made cinnamon rolls, cinnamon swirl bread, and a braided bread loaf. Final verdict: Delicious, but too much work. Buy it.
A sweet couple at Bed, Bath, and Beyond showed me how to tie a pretty bow. If you get married, there is a very good chance you'll receive this wrapping.
In true Utah fashion, I used a Cricut to cut out an awesome quote and make a magnetic board. I can't wait to hang it in my new room!
To brush up on my sewing skills, I sewed 10 bean bags for my class. I severely underestimated how long this project would take but I was pleased with the results.
I started this quilt in November and finally finished it with the help of a friend from work and my mom. Confession, I HATED quilting and don't intend to do it ever again.
My painting skills left something to be desired but I spent a couple hours working on a Paint By Numbers masterpiece. My next project is learning how to crochet.
**I am officially a Domestic Goddess**