Life is busy. Things are changing and I am thrilled. More will come later.
On a separate note, my family may or may not have tried to end my life. They took me sledding on "Killer Hill." It was quite enjoyable until I flew off a jump, went at least 6 feet in the air, and crash landed. This resulted in a severely injured neck, shoulder, and jaw. None of which were nearly as disturbing as the explosion of the tumorous mass that was previously growing on my hand. [Note: I am in no way exaggerating]

My dear roommate, Alyssa, is very wise and attends grad school at BYU. Her thesis involves a robot and I convinced her to let me "observe" it [i.e. play]. Troy sang me "Popcorn Popping on the Apricot Tree" and won my heart.
Last week there was an outside concert. The music was enjoyable and the people watching was spectacular. A friend was dressed up in a mustache suit; clearly, I made our group take a photo.
Other notable events from the first three months of the year:
* The flood at the Omni-- it has been mentioned in EVERY sacrament meeting since January
* Pizookie Party
* I am a Pass of All Passes [POAP] holder
* Mogul Competition in Park City
* St. Patrick's Day party
* Flash Game [using my POAP]